These Apple Watch Apps Will Make Your Life A Little Easier

Recently, I wrote about how I use my Apple Watch and the various ways it makes my life more productive. I outlined how I set goals for myself, close my three rings each day, track my workouts, and 20 interesting facts. Since I purchased it a few months ago I’ve been experimenting with different Apple Watch apps to find out which ones best suit my needs. Below, I’ve broken down my favorites into three categories: fitness, wellness, and lifestyle, and I’ve highlighted why I love (and recommend) each of them. Apple Health—Recently, I talked about how the deciding factor in purchasing my Apple Watch wasRead More →

How I Make The Most of My Apple Watch + 20 Interesting Facts

In 2020, I spent part of my summer at my parents home in Massachusetts. Each afternoon I’d do walking laps in their pool and I would count the number of steps I took. Once I was finished, I’d add them up and input them into my iPhone. As ridiculous as it sounds, it helped me keep track each day. I didn’t stop there, though. Rarely I’d be seen without my cell phone glued to my hand, and it wasn’t because I was addicted to social media, it was so I could record my steps.  Then, in the beginning of March after an almost year longRead More →